Welcome folks.
How are you? I'm doin' just fine. California is getting a bit too chilly for my liking. I've slept in my Ugg boots with my hood up the past two nights. Keepin' it gangsta in the Sherman Oaks. Can I get some fake snow up in here??
I want to send out an important message this holiday season. With the economy in shambles we are all feeling the hurt. Try and turn your head from that... Look at your family, friends, passionate lovers, pets or even in the mirror. Your life lies there. Your heart lies there. That is all that matters :) I hope we all start to realize how much we really don't need, and begin to feel very lucky.
I visited my brother in Seattle for Thanksgiving and I learned a new level of worth. They are a bunch of fun guys that live together in a house. They could care less about hardly anything, except when it comes to hanging out and having a good time. Going from L.A. to there, it was a huge difference and a huge wake up call. May I suggest if you ever feel overwhelmed- go somewhere where you have nothing. Turn off your phone, no technology, do NOT pamper yourself, and just hang out. You will feel so free. We freak out if we don't have daily things we are used to, but the truth is we can survive without them, and its often better to survive without them- for our sanity! haha
So with this blog, I tend to provide you with some of the simple things that keep me smiling on a daily basis. Whether it be a piece of art, some music, comedy, or me being a complete fool... I want to share my sunshine with you all! Why not?
Until next time...
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